Welcome to IKFF Africa's - WotD (Workout of the Day)
[sometimes referred to as a WOD, but what the hell happened to The "T"?? Workout of Day?? Workout Ofthe Day??]
Click a button below to go to today's workout
(or click the buttons at the bottom of the page after reading the blurb)

major(new) + minor(tweaks) version - v2.4
It took me another year and a half to get back to this project, but I have finally made some small bits of progress over the last few weeks of "coding" (I have limited skills, so I can't claim that I'm an actual programmer, nor that anything is totally fixed or perfect).

  • major(new) features/enhancements
    • SubLoops
      • for grouping/looping of sections within a workout/sequence
    • Increments/decrements [per-Round (+/-)   OR   per-SubLoop (++/--)] on...
      • Time/Duration
      • Reps
  • minor(tweaked) features/enhancements
    • improvements, adjustments & additions to the speech/beep sequences:
      • Added a (default) DARK-mode which can be dynamically switched
      • Adjusted font and panel sizes to make things more readable BUT...this makes things UGLY in portrait mode, so use LANDSCAPE mode!
      • Improved the heading/title/description display
      • The "Start" button in mid-screen can now ALSO be used/clicked to start the workout
      • The "Exercise Ready" has been changed to a popup notification/prompt
        • v2.4 (THIS version) now features a slightly more intelligent time calculation based on your current/next body positions (eg. from floor to standing, or standing to boxes/hanging etc.)
      • The annoying overlap in voice/speak timing has been (99%) fixed.
      • ONLY the exerciseNAME is announced (no "Left/Right/Double").
      • Additional announcements (with less bings & bongs) [there will be an enable/disable toggle to suit your preference (in v2.5 which will be ready in the next few years)].
        • 30s and 10s before the end of each exercise (but only if the time is >40s for that exercise).
        • The 10s announcement now tells you what's coming up after the current exercise
        • Half-Way (double) beep
        • Within paced sets, the last rep has a different beep tone
    • GUI enhancements:
      • The header bar will disappear when you click the start button (to allow for more screen space), and reappear when you finish the session.
      • The start/stop buttons have been re-arranged to allow for the header to disappear.
      • Display font sizes have been increased.
      • There is a popup to show which subLoop/ofSubLoops[x/y] you're on.
      • The subcount/subtimer progress bar and font colour are matched and "prettier".
      • "Next: ExerciseName" so you don't have to guess if you can't read the (relatively) small text in the WotD list on the left from a distance.
    • Photos+Videos of the exercise(s) (in case you aren't familiar with the names we use)
      • The code is working - but "inactive" for now while we create the images/videos.
        • if you click on any exercise name in the WotD list on the left, you'll see a dummy/test image
          Click on that image to see a [dummy/test] video.
          Click the same exercise name again to make the image/video go away
        • we do, of course, need to create the actual videos etc. (work in progress)
  • Update history has moved to here
  • IF there's a feature you'd like, feel free to contact me via e-mail. I can offer no guarantee that I'll be able to do what you ask, but I'll try. I also NEVER take offense, so if you'd like to offer comments/criticisms, you can do so via the same contact details.

Click one of the buttons below to go to today's workout

For interest's sake: overall statistics and file statistics We make use of meSpeak (( • ))™ open-source code
IKFF Africa ©